
Our suppliers are at the core of our business

We have the luxury of sourcing quality fruit from all over South Africa from our loyal suppliers, many of which have been with us since we started our business 25 years ago.

We work with over 40 growers from all the major fruit growing regions in South Africa ensuring we have a constant supply of quality products to offer our customers. We also source seasonal fruit from growers internationally (primarily from Chile and Egypt). Our vast network ensures we can service our customers with the best quality fruit from all over the world.

To celebrate our remarkable suppliers during the past 25 years, we had the opportunity to personally thank those of them that have made a positive contribution to our business. We hosted 2 events, one in Stellenbosch and one in Bangkok, where we handed out certificates to these important customers. This was just a small token of our appreciation for their support of our business. Without our customers, we would not be where we are today. To read more about our 25-year milestone, please visit our news section.